Journey through History: Noah and the Flood

Lesson Summary:

The story of Noah and the Flood in Genesis 7:1-24 is a tale of God’s judgment and grace. After 120 years of Noah building the ark, God sent the floodwaters to destroy mankind because of their wickedness. Noah, his family, and some land animals and fowls went into the ark and were saved. God gave a final stretch of seven days before sending the waters, an act of grace. God called Noah to come into the ark, and the animals were moved by God to enter the ark. The ark was large enough to house representatives of every land-dependent, air-breathing animal. The floodwaters came just as God said it would after seven days. The subterranean waters and rain flooded the earth. The rain poured for forty days and forty nights. After all were aboard the ark, the Lord closed the door, and no one else could enter anymore. The story shows that it is desirable to have God’s presence with us wherever we are, and that we need to be sensitive to His call to salvation.


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